These Rules determine the terms and conditions of using the web platform of 3DGence sp. z o.o.


1     Service Provider – 3DGence sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice, NIP [tax ID] 6330009438, REGON [statistical ID] 271077426;

2.     3DGence CLOUD platform (hereinafter referred to as the Platform) – a platform created by the Service Provider through which the Service Provider’s customers may use 3D printer functions;

3.       Customer – a natural person, business entrepreneur, legal person, organisational unit without legal capacity who purchased a 3D printer from the Service Provider;

4.       3D Printer – a device enabling additive manufacturing of details based on a file prepared in the proper format;

5.       User – a person acting for and on behalf of the Customer who transfers data to the Service Provider for the purpose of opening an account, entitled to manage the accounts of other persons;

6.       User II – the User’s employee who availed of the invitation of the User and opened an account on the platform;

7.       Data – personal data provided during the account registration;

8.       Personal Data Controller – the Service Provider having access to the personal data provided in relation to the account registration;

9.       Account – the account opened for the User by the Service Provider, enabling access to the functions offered by the platform;

10.   GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.


1.       The 3D Platform was created for remote handling of 3D printers held by the Customer.

2.       The 3D Platform enables access to the following functions:

1)       remote handling of 3D printers and adding prints to the queue;

2)       preview of the printed model with the use of a camera installed in the printer;

3)       reporting a problem;

4)       managing machines (printers): adding and deleting printers in the system, rendering the machines available to the respective user with specific rights.

3.      The Platform is available on a permanent basis, unless there is a technical failure or maintenance work is required.

4.      For the purpose of using the Platform it is necessary to have Internet access.

5.      Reading these Rules is a precondition of using this Platform and is a duty of all of the Platform Users.




1.      For the purpose of using the Platform functions after a purchase of a 3D printer, the User forwards to the Service Provider the data needed for the Account registration. Opening an Account on behalf of the User will be possible if the User provides the Service Provider with a written consent to the provision of the following personal data needed for the Account registration. In order to open a User account, the following data must be provided:

1)         name of the printer buyer,

2)         first and last name,

3)         registered office,

4)         phone number,

5)         e-mail.

2.      After the data is provided, the Service Provider will open the User’s Account. As soon as the Account is opened, the User receives a link which, when clicked, redirects the User to the page where the account registration may be completed and their own password to the account set. Before registration, the User is obliged to read these Rules. After registration, the account may be accessed solely by the User.

3.      The Account registration enables the User to invite other people to use the platform, who for the purposes of these Rules are called Users II. In order to enable other persons to use the Platform, the button ‘Invite Users’ must be selected, the e-mail address of the persons who are to receive access to the Platform identified and the proper rights must be granted to them. The Service Provider has no access to the data of the subsequent persons invited by the User.

4.      If the newly invited User II is willing to avail of the invitation to register their Account on the Platform, they should select the ‘Join Now’ button in the newly received e-mail, confirm reading these Rules and consent to the processing of their data by the Service Provider, and further provide the following data:

1)         first and last name,

2)         password,

3)         e-mail,

4)         phone number.

5.      As soon as the Account is registered, the User is the only entity to manage the accounts of the other Users II.


1. In the event of a failure or fault of 3D printers, both the User and User II are entitled to send a service report through the Platform.

2. In the report the fault or failure must be described such that the Service Provider may immediately undertake steps aimed at the problem remedying.

3. From the moment of receiving the report, the Service Provider has access to the following data of the person reporting the failure:

1)    name of company,

2)    registered office,

3)    e-mail,

4)    first and last name,

5)    phone number.



1.         The Service Provider – 3DGence sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice, ul. Mickiewicza 29, 40‑085 Katowice, NIP [tax ID] 6330009438, REGON [statistical ID] 271077426, is the Personal Data Controller.

2.         In reference to the operation of this Platform, the Service Provider is going to collect the following Users’ data:

1)              name of company,

2)              first and last name,

3)              e-mail address,

4)              phone number.

3.         The above listed personal data will be collected for the purpose of:

1)              opening an Account on the Platform;

2)              handling service reports,

3)              protection against the possible claims.

4.         The personal data listed in section 1 will be processed:

1)              in case the Account is opened on the Platform – pursuant to Article 6(1)a of the GDPR – upon the User’s consent;

2)              in case of handling service reports – pursuant to Article 6(1)b of the GDPR – for the purpose of starting actions at the request of the data subject, before agreement conclusion;

3)              in case of protection against claims – pursuant to Article. 6(1)f of the GDPR – the processing is need for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interest of the Personal Data Controller.

5.         Each User is entitled to:

1)              access their data,

2)              have their personal data corrected,

3)              have their personal data erased,

4)              have their personal data processing limited,

5)              have their personal data moved,

6)              report an objection.

6.         Personal data will be processed:

1)              in case of data processing upon the User’s or User’s II consent – by the time the consent is withdrawn;

2)              in case of protection against claims – by the time of the claims time-barring.

7.         The Users’ data are not subject to profiling.

8.         The personal data will not be forwarded outside of the EEA.

9.       The Users’ data will not be processed for purposes other than those for which they were collected. The personal data of the Users will not be disclosed to other entities, except to those that provide services to the Controller in relation to the operation of this Platform, which requires access to the data.

10.       The consent to the processing of personal data is voluntary, however, failure to express the consent results in the absence of possibility of using the Platform. The Users may withdraw their consent at any moment.