ABS is one of the most popular thermoplastics, regardless of production technology.



3DGence ABS can be printed with ESM-10, soluble support material. This combination allows printing complex geometries, functional prototypes and many more.

It is always easy to process and it has good mechanical properties to price ratio. ABS is a machinable material – it is possible to make the technological holes and even threads on the printed model. Relatively high hardness of the material results in high scratch resistance.


ABS shows some basic chemical resistance for acids, alkalis, and alcohols. It can be used in the applications that work in the temperature range of -20 – 80C. ABS is a recyclable material. The surface of the model made of ABS will be matte and the colours would be slightly less saturated than PLA made models. 

ABS is not UV resistant, it should not be directly exposed to sunlight.



We will help you to choose the right material